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Decent nbn modem recommendations

I need to find a Cheaper NBN Service Aussie Broadband going up in price again next month
Aah, so clearly not Australia.

Dunno why Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, Albanese haven’t done something about this earlier in the piece.
Another 2 or 3 or 4 years and it should be done. Fibre to everyone.
The trouble is, you want that high speed, you’ll be paying for it.some will be happy to.

Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, Albanese
Turnbull, Abbott & Morrison don't get a mention? Why's that?

Yes, it will be expensive but that's pretty typical for nation wide infrastructure. Had Abbott and Turnbull not crippled the NBN when they came to power, most of the fibre would have been laid and it would have been cheaper than what it will cost now.

Can't really put all the blame on Abbott and Turnbull though, it was their puppet master, Murdoch and News Ltd, that wanted to cripple the NBN. Abbott & Turnbull were just doing what they were told.

But with the Libs now admitting the NBN needs an upgrade, hopefully Australia can get the internet that other 1st world countries enjoy.
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Turnbull, Abbott & Morrison don't get a mention? Why's that?
Well the Labor party all for it
Why didn’t they implement that in 2007 to start with, then follow it along. It took another 2 years to come up with a plan.
Yes, it will be expensive but that's pretty typical for nation wide infrastructure. Had Abbott and Turnbull not crippled the NBN when they came to power, most of the fibre would have been laid and it would have been cheaper than what it will cost now.
Why didn’t Kev07 get it started in 2007/08?
Can't really put all the blame on Abbott and Turnbull though, it was their puppet master, Murdoch and News Ltd,
Yep he runs the world. No one else has to take any responsibility. It must have been the same for Rudd, Gillard and Albanese
that wanted to cripple the NBN. Abbott & Turnbull were just doing what they were told.
Of course they were. Murdoch doesn't like the nbn. You know for his online content. Like Fox, Sky, Foxtel.
But with the Libs now admitting the NBN needs an upgrade, hopefully Australia can get the internet that other 1st world countries enjoy.
We can only hope. And hope that it’s not priced out of reach for the ordinary Australian family.

Depends on the price. If they don’t try to extort the faster speeds and more take it up. Rather than offer the faster speeds at a premium like they do now, so a lot of people have to settle for low/mid speed and the congestion throttles even that back.

It just seems a waste to have the capacity with the existing fibre and planned upgrades and not enough people can afford to take it up.

But then I’m no economist. What would I know. *smile* all.
Until people get FTTP/H they won't know what real broadband is like. Once that starts to happen there will be more uptake which should lower prices.

There were plenty of Luddites at the time backing the Libs claiming that using Telstra copper made sense because most homes didn't need speeds above 100mb. I'm sure some of those Luddites are still around but most seem to accepted Australia needs fast internet to remain relevant.

Murdoch now has some online content and is shifting more there. But at the time he was protecting Foxtel's cable monopoly. Remember News have never been an online savvy company. Murdoch got badly burned when he bought MySpace.