Seeing the post of Figgster in the US with Captain America prompted the following thought...
Dimma: Goes to the US to learn from management gurus, top level sporting coaches and managers, and changes his style and approach accordingly
Figgy: Goes to the US because that is what Dimma did, stops in at the airport bookstore to look for more intel on how Richmond did "it" and buys every Alex Rance book he can find
Salty: Goes to the US, and tells them they are wrong
Dimma: Goes to the US to learn from management gurus, top level sporting coaches and managers, and changes his style and approach accordingly
Figgy: Goes to the US because that is what Dimma did, stops in at the airport bookstore to look for more intel on how Richmond did "it" and buys every Alex Rance book he can find
Salty: Goes to the US, and tells them they are wrong