- a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
It is an anecdote because its an interesting story about a real incident or person, its just not useful data to explain the risks to the population.
Across all ages, flu kills more people than COVID, because it infects more people. But;
Flu is more lethal than COVID in under 30yo, the data is very clear., It infects more people and kills more people who catch it.
Flu is about as lethal as COVID in 30-60yo, with about the same deaths per lab confirmed case (I posted a paper reviewing 50 studies on flu epidemiology).
COVID is significantly more lethal than flu in cases over 60yo.
Quite simply the flu presents a greater risk to under 30yo and a similar risk to 30-60yo. Evidence suggests the young ones don't even transmit it very well.
So why are we shutting down the productive workforce and destroying millions of peoples livlihoods when the risk is less than the flu in that demographic and the older people can be protected by isolation?
Please don't pretend we are trying to save lives, or we would shut down childcare facilities because young children play large role in the transmission of flu and they die from it in significant numbers.
At best we are trying to stop a surge in critical case admissions, so given that virtually all the critical cases are in the over 60 demographic, this can be fixed by isolation of that deomographic at home.
Its beyond me, and makes me angry that just like Greenspans dotcom rescue, and the GFC rescue our kids will pay for years for something they had little role in creating.