yesterday our home/farm was 2km from the fire at Creswick/Sulky, connected directly by forest, i was amazed by the information available either by the wwweb or ABC radio. As good as the info was, it was always about 15-20 minutes late. We were more aware of the changing situation thru bush telegraph and simply being in the environment. This is in no way a criticism but just to highlight that we all control our own destiny and ultimately are responsible for many of the results.
There is an amazing sensation/realisation that "THIS IS IT FOLKS" and that any prior planning suddenly had to happen, but also a cold realization that destruction could happen so quickly and unexpectedly.
Our Community Fireguard Telephone Tree was used for the first time ever, our own personal Fire Plan was put into action, however we suddenly were faced with issues like "Fire Smart" kids who already knew their tasks, but had outgrown last years Fire protective clothing. Other issues, What to do with an elderly Visiting Relative who had no knowledge of Expectations in a Bushfire situation and actually Panicked. This was then an issue that we had to deal with, at the same time we tried to prepare Gardens, water supplies etc. She was eventually given a note pad and told to monitor the Media and prepare drinks, etc
The fire was controlled briefly before reigniting, Eventually it was contained.
The washup today has seen how poorly prepared many of our neighbours were, and a visit by the CFA today has reinforced that the least prepared were also the most vulnerable. The CFA today pinpointed which houses will take priority if under seige. Those with large Trees close to the home, or Driveways shrouded will be lowest priority. Our home, and our closest neighbour/friend were given a Positive Tick.
Yesterday was indeed a wakeup call for our community, and one that will allow us to prepare better in the future.