America, will they ever learn? (Gun Control Debate) | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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America, will they ever learn? (Gun Control Debate)


Tiger Legend
Mar 10, 2008
I was deeply saddend today to read about the Batman cinema shooting today. As awful as it was it got me angry thinking why this should be allowed to happen.

I saw on a Australian documentary where a aussie journalist shot a high powered automatic rifle, and told the yank that the gun had alot of power. The yank asked why he had never fired a gun like that before, and the journo said they were illegal in Australia. To which the yank replied, almost shocked, "I pity you."

America allows any average Joe, no matter how high or low their IQ might be, the right to bear arms. It is such a stupid idea. Yet, it's something every redneck loves, and what a majority of US citizens believe to contribute to why their country is the "greatest in the world". They see it as a form of self defence, although i'm a little perplexed as to whom they may be defending themselves from? Other people with guns? I read an article a little while back that reported 47% of Americans hold a gun in their home. ( That is staggering. Also extremely scary. I couldn't feel safe in my own home knowing that it is likely that my next door neighbour could have a gun. God forbid my dog barked in the middle of the night.

America is also some 17 trillion dollars in debt. That equates to every Man woman and child being $50,000 in debt. If the US were to ever go under, that would be the last country I would want to be in.

Even if they were to put an end to every civilian owning a gun, it is too late. There are already too many guns out there to get them back.

I can't see how any US patriot could see their country as the greatest in the world.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

Totally agree.

The most stupid reason for carrying guns in the USA is for self-defence, but the problem is, how often does a person use it for that purpose??

The unfortunate truth is that the Yanks' mentality have been embedded with firearms ever since their constitution was made.

Obama's response to this Colorado shooting was very poor IMO.

I wish these Americans would stop this over the top fixation with terrorism as the cause everytime these disasters happen.

This was some 24 year old lunatic studying medicine who must've lived in imagination and fascination for too long trying to be The Joker.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

Thailand is just as bad, everyone has a handgun and they love to use them frequently over trivial things.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

House reps have come out and said the laws won't be changed.

If they didn't change it after Columbine.....they never will.
Which ironically was in Colorado too.

I've been to the US many times and I love the country but the gun laws are a disgrace.
It's no coincidence that the US have the highest crime rate in the world, they need to pull their head in with these gun laws.
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Re: America, will they ever learn?

Chiang Mai Tiger said:
Thailand is just as bad, everyone has a handgun and they love to use them frequently over trivial things.

Stay away from them gambling dens Chiang Mai, ya dont wanna be running into any wannabe Thai Doc Hollidays
Re: America, will they ever learn?

Bars and clubs in the Philipines and South Africa has handgun checkin counters.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

A contrasting view to the agreeing majority here:
Re: America, will they ever learn?

I'm not so sure about the Howard gun laws having a major impact. Something had to be done, and the laws are good, but I reckon the major impact was on honest and responsible people who wouldn't have been an issue anyway. I bet the crims didn't hand their guns in. Anyone can show police gun licences and locked cabinets but they could still have a stash hidden elsewhere. I was happy though. I took some of our guns to the buy back place and the MOTH told me to go shopping with the proceeds. He was shocked when 1 of the guns alone sold for $1800.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

Giardiasis said:
Come again?

Yes, I know, criminals will continue to get guns... Prohibition didn't work. However:

The story mentions two other incidents in the past two weeks, so there are two issues: the ease of getting access to a gun, and the (sometime innocent) consequences of having a gun in the house.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

lukeanddad said:
and the (sometime innocent) consequences of having a gun in the house.
As Thomas Sowell said:
"Some small children do in fact get accidentally killed by guns in the home -- but fewer than drown in bathtubs. Is anyone for banning bathtubs?"
Re: America, will they ever learn?

Jukes Extended said:
It's a little out date but here's the gist of it.

America has 5% of the world's population with 25% of the world's prisoners.
If you want a half decent comparison, you should at least filter it as violent crimes per capita. Tax evasion is a crime, it doesn't involve guns.

Then you should compare countries with gun control laws, and those without. You will find there isn't a nice direct link between gun control and lower violent crime as you'd think.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

Jukes Extended said:
If they didn't change it after Columbine.....they never will.
Which ironically was in Colorado too.

I lived in a small redneck town in Colorado - not far from where the South Park writers come from. It's a surprisingly scary place. They talk about New York and L.A being the dangerous plac es, but I reckon the backwaters are scarier. You only have to back chat some low-rent dude and they'll pull out a shotty or hand gun at the drop of a hat. They think they are toys.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

evo said:
I lived in a small redneck town in Colorado - not far from where the South Park writers come from. It's a surprisingly scary place. They talk about New York and L.A being the dangerous plac es, but I reckon the backwaters are scarier. You only have to back chat some low-rent dude and they'll pull out a shotty or hand gun at the drop of a hat. They think they are toys.

That's scary clevo. I thought the South was more like that.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

the 'Wild West' states like Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho etc, although in the middle to upper half,are a lot like the South as well.
Re: America, will they ever learn?

there's too much money in it for the NRA and the gun manufacturers to ban guns - they argue second amendment rights coz you can't really argue we'll lose money if you ban guns..