Travel/Overseas destinations | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Travel/Overseas destinations


How did that Julia and Kevin thing work out? :)
Jan 24, 2005
G'day all!

A while ago, I started a thread:

And fellow Tigers from overseas replied, etc.

Thought it might be a good idea to start a thread where people can talk/discuss places they've been, travel tips on destinations, or even talk about where they are living now, places of interest, etc....might even be a good thread where Tigers overseas can meet and discuss TV times of matches shown so other Tigers in the area know what time to get down to the local Aussie bar! ;)

So to some of you Tigers overseas, whats it like where you are?
How do the locals treat you Aussies?
And are there any local Aussie bars in your area?
Re: Travel/Overseas thread

Are Eurail passes still popular on the trains in Europe. I had a great month on the trains in 87. Waking up in Rome, walking round a corner and seeing the colluseum, almost the size of the MCG is something I'll never forget.
Re: Travel/Overseas thread

Yeah, I think so....but a bit less than before I think due to cheap flights, like Ryan-air and Easyjet (similar to our Jetstar I think).

Whats Italy like mate?

Are the drivers there as crazy as I've heard, or is that a bit of a myth?
Re: Travel/Overseas thread

Italy is about the most beautiful place I've ever seen, the buildings are just so old. UK is pretty awesome with regards old buildings but Italy is something else.

I got there on the train through the French Alps, there was a list of spectacular railways in my timetable, I'd had a miserable time in France :'( so I thought I would treat myself. There were towns embedded in the sides of mountains and snow everywhere, I was the only one in my carriage so I had a ball taking in the scenery.

Milan was just a quick stop, it looked fairly modern, then I stayed the night in a broom cupboard in Genoa. That was after walking several miles in circles looking for a hostel. Genoa is an old port, so was pretty busy.

Then I hopped onto another train and stopped at Pisa for lunch, they go a great roast chicken and chips there ;D .... oh and theres a funny old leaning over tower.

Florence was next, must have had a few beers there as I can't remember much, have lots of photos of old statues by Michelangelo, seemed like he was famous lol.

Rome was where the traffic trouble started, I felt like I was being gunned down all the time, soon learned to cross the road with elderly Italian couples. Have been told since that there was a method to their madness, and they knew what they were doing, but it seemed chaotic. There wasn't as much Roman ruin as I thought, but what there was was old and fantastic. There is even a pyramid built into the city wall stolen from Egypt. Now that was a weird sight.

Naples was a city of two distinct halves, some was as rich as I had ever seen, Ferraris and maseratis going into huge private villas one end and poverty with kids trying to pick pocket me the other. I had sewn my pockets shut with velcro ;D so I remained untouched.

Saw Pompei, poor buggers never had a chance, full of Japanese tourists though, I spent ages hiding them behind pillars for my photos, there is not one in any shot.
From there went to Sorrento, walking through the orange groves, didnt look like they had seen many tourists that far south, I was a novelty. Lovely old seaside fishing villages in the sides of cliffs. You can see Roman aquaducts and viaducts still being used all over the place. Clever people those Romans.

Worst pizza I've ever had in Naples, just a pizza base with oil and a few things floating in it, saw me coming I think. Thought I was a German, although I stupidly turned around when they yelled "Hey Kraut"

Back through Rome to Venice, wasn't nearly as stinky as I has been lead to believe. Spent the night in a cheap room with a soiled bed. Spent the next day avioding Italians running at me in the Venice Fun Run, they were going clockwise round the town, I went the other. Lots of "F###ing Gondolas" Very beautiful place, and no bloody cars.

Woke up the next morning in Vienna, went to Macca's as you do. To my surprise the BMWs and Mercs didnt try to run me over, they waited for pedestrians, although I'd already bolted.

The worst drivers I saw were French, going through Belgium with my Dutch mates we'd be overtaken by insane drivers doing 180+ km/h weaving in and out, they nearly always had an F on the bumpers.
Re: Travel/Overseas thread

Thanks for the review of the trip TC! :clap

Sounds like you had a great time!!!

My sister has been around Italy a fair bit too, and she didn't like Venice that much, or Pisa, mainly cause it was so "toursity".

I never made it down to Italy, but have been to Austria...mainly in Vienna and Graz.
Really enjoyed it there, especially just out of Vienna at these places called "heurigens" sort of like a winery with a small restaurant in them, where you can wine-taste, have a meal, etc.
Had a few big nights at those places! ;)
Did you make it to one of them?
Also, "Bud" beer over there...the original Czech version of Budweiser, I'm led to believe ??? not only cheap, but one of the best beers in Europe!

One city I'd love to go to in summer would be Stockholm. The city is pretty much made of small islands. I was there in October, so it was starting to get pretty cool and cloudy/rainy/snowy, but a hot-air balloon ride over the city on a summer morning would be bloody fantastic I reckon!
Nearly got killed the first morning I know, for 30 years when you cross a road, you look right, cross to the middle, then look left and get to the other side.
Of course, bad habit...nothing coming...start to cross "beeeeeep" from a Volvo coming the other way. Of course, they drive on the other side of the road there! :-[

:hihi Yeah, funny that you had Maccas too...thats the first meal I had in Europe too....I think you just want something 'normal' before you start delving in the local dishes.

Oslo reminded me of Geelong: sort of a small city, with a small harbour, and not much to do! :hihi
But some of the bars, especially around the 'university district' seemed pretty busy, even mid-week.
And the cars stopped for all pedestrians (totally opposite to Italy from what you and my sister have told me) fact, pedestrians in Sweden and Norway don't even look out for cars, they just walk and the cars stop for them! :eek:
Thats a risk with so many bloody Volvos on the road at once! ;)

Next trip I'd love to go on though is to the soccer World Cup in Germany next year, and also to get up to England/Scotland to see some soccer! :)
Re: Travel/Overseas thread

Hi Liverpudlian

Didn't spend a great deal of time in Austria, I was on my way to Luxembourg to see my Uncle. Did stay in Salzburg, and regret

not taking in a concert, but I did meet a Queenslander that had never seen snow before and taught him the old European

art of Snowball fighting. We had a ball until we noticed the dirty looks we were getting from the locals as we were chucking

snowballs at statues of Mozart.  ;D Bloody Aussis overseas ;D

There was maccas there too hidden inbetween lovely little clockmakers shops I had the usual Fischmac and gross pomme frittes.

Drank heaps in Luxembourg, no idea what brand it was though, thought I may find some of the coasters I was confiscating

from the pubs I went to but alas they are long gone.

I haven't been any further north than Kiel in Germany, after a long night at the Reeperbarn, nothing there just a big dock.

The maccas in Hamburg was nestled between a strip joint and a knocking shop.

Would love to see Sweeden or other Northern places but I have no contacts there.

The beer in Holland was great, I stayed with a friend I met in Bali, he would buy crates of Amstel, nice drop and cheap too. They took

me over the border into Belgium to buy illegal fireworks and try the local brew Duvell, they called it the "devil" over 8% alcohol, very

nice. Have seen it here but expensive as.

I had the same experience as you in Holland, that is looking the wrong way, although there it was pushbikes that you have to look

out for.
Re: Travel/Overseas thread

G'day there TC!

Yeah, they like their bikes in Europe.

Up in Sweden, especially "university towns" (Uppsala and Norrkoping come to mind) have far more bikes than cars, and even the bike-tracks are wider than the roads! :eek:

Didn't make it down to Holland, but is it really like I have heard, that dope is everywhere, or is it rather discreet?

:hihi Yeah, well, the first time I 'touched' snow was on my trip to Europe too...never been to the snow here in it was quite an experience.
Was watching Liverpool/Leeds one day there (very cloudy and dark out, even though it was only 3pm!) and we had a lot of snow dump...clogged the satellitite dish or something...missed the entire 2nd-half...I thought, "what a hole of a place to live!" :hihi

Also fell on my arse on a street covered with ice...saw my mobile-phone go sliding down this hill... :hihi...yeah, give me 30-degrees and the beach any day thanks! ;)
Re: Travel/Overseas thread

Don't you hate the sun going down at 2.30, especially if you get up at 11am after a hard night on the local brew, where did the day go?

Will PM you re Holland ;D Yes it's true.
Re: Travel/Overseas thread

Yeah, bloody short days, but the further north you go, you either have (depending on the time of year) 24-hours of darkness, or 24-hours of sunlight! :eek:

Hi all,
I'm off to Bangkok in a few weeks to live and work for a couple of years or so. Very excited about the prospect of living in Thailand for a while. Should be a great experenience. At least I hope so anyway. Would love to get any posters perspectives or experiences on the place. All comments welcome.

Re: Bangkok

I dunno a thing about Bangkok ToO, sounds more up Gus and Cm's alley, but I hope you keep in touch with us and send lots of cyber postcards. :)
Re: Bangkok

My first experience of Bangkok was over 20 years ago as a naive 20yo at a place called Freddy's Guest House, off the Rama IV. I got out of the place very quickly.

I have returned to Bangkok a few times since. The last was about 10 years ago. Beautiful in places, hamstrung by infrastructure problems. I hope that they've got their mass transport running better. My memory is that it could take as long to get from the airport to the city centre as it did to fly over there. (I exaggerate.)

Great shopping, great prices. If you see something you want to buy, buy it there. You'll regret it later if you don't.

If you're staying for sometime in Thailand, take the time to get out and see other places outside of Bangkok. You'll find that worth it as well.

Have a great trip.
Re: Bangkok

Good luck ToO. Went there once many years ago. 12? Some of my friends and business acquaintances moved there about then, too. Always for the ... nightlife. Hardcore party animals<Three words, pick the odd one out. ;D Crazy place then.


Gus and CMT will probably chime in soon.
Re: Bangkok

Have to get used to getting on a moving bus ToO, they rarely stop, and if they do it may be in the middle lane.

Saw one elderly lady get dragged along quite a few metres, only for her and the bus driver to laugh it off.

Law suit city over here.
Re: Bangkok

Have been on 3 seperate occasions.
Unfortunately I can only give you tourist expieriences though.
Traffic and pollution are diabolical,you'll know what I mean after an hour.
Incredibly both have improved dramatically since I first went there 11 years ago too.

The city itself is pulsating and vibrant,and theres millions of things to do.
The shopping and nightlife are exceptional and the people are friendly,but be a bit mindful that some also see westerners as an 'easy' baht...meaning dont get ripped off,or seduced by a free tuk-tuk ride because you'll end up miles away from your destination and at the drivers 'friends' opal shop,and be expected to purchase something.
If you go to patpong rd for a geek,DONT wander from the main tourist parts of the road,I made this mistake and am lucky to be here to warn you of it.
I particularly love the street markets,bargains galore if you can haggle well.
The temples and rides on the Kings river are worth doing to.

Best of luck in your shift,always admire (and feel jealous) when someone makes a big move like this out of their comfort zone.
Re: Bangkok

I got talking to a lot of people that wanted me to go to "opal shops" Quite often they were card carying

kick boxers, like every other young bloke there it seems, I was fitter back then and didn't mind talking about

Muay Thai. Boy was I nervous going through Bangkok with 70 000 Baht down each sock to buy air tickets

out of Thailand. :nailbiting
Re: Bangkok

Thanks to all for your responses. Really appreciated and look forward to more. :clap
I have been in contact with Gus and CMT and will be looking forward to catching up with them over there for a few "Leo" beers which CMT recommends, and watching the Tiges kick some butt. :D
Moving over in about 6 weeks. I was hoping to get to Melbourne to see the Tiges play the Bluebaggers in Rd 7 with my Dad and my brother which would've been a great trip but Thailand has come up in a real hurry.
Strugs I like your comment about stepping out of your comfort zone. Rang a bell with me. My wife and I figure you get one life. When the opportunity arose to live overseas we didn't hesitate even though we were living a contented life and both happy in our jobs and our environment. We don't really know what to expect but most people seem to have enjoyed their time there, so hopefully it will be a life changing event for the better.
Re: Bangkok

Best wishes ToO. Take care, have fun, and send us a postcard soon. :)