Thoughts on the superb 1980 Grand Final | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Thoughts on the superb 1980 Grand Final


Tear 'em apart
Sep 10, 2003
Just bought a copy of the 1980 flag on DVD. I used to have a tape of it but it wore out about 5 or 6 years ago and I have’nt watched it since then. A few things that really struck me about the game:

First and most obviously, how bloody good we were. Very tough, very skilled and fast and smart along with it.

Second, the willingness to kick to a contest. Again, I know this has been talked about a lot in the media, but it really is striking. The slow growth of the emphasis on possession makes you forget how the game used to be. What it does is make for great footy to watch.

Third, no kicking across goal or switching play, not even on the radar. If a backman gets a kick in the flank or pocket, they only have eyes for the wing on the same side.

Fourth, and most surprising to me, how quick the umpy was to pay holding the ball. As I’ve said before, I can’t believe the wingeing that goes on from some commentators, especially Lane, and Coaches, ironically Malthouse, about how it penalises a player going for the ball. To me this displays a flawed philosophy of football that is underlined by this particularly great match.

Fifth and related to the above, how good the umpiring was. Now obviously I’m bias, but even Lou saw it. There were a few technical frees, but overall and in comparison to today, the umpiring was better. Even little things, the umpire quickly letting the players know what the free was for without the grandstanding some do now, and the goal umps waving the flags for a point very quickly so the kickout can happen straight away. They just seemed to have a real authority.

Sixth, the pace of the game was red hot. I know it was GF and the game is well known for us destroying them with run, but the way people talk now its as if footy pre-1990 was a bunch of lumberers, it’s a myth I tell ya.

Seventh, Skills, again only from that one game, they were as good if not better than today. The skills displayed at full pace and under pressure by our rovers, Raines, Wiley, Bartlett, Flea were as good as any I’ve seen since.

What a fantastic flag that was. Also at the end of the DVD they show the ladder, we finished 3rd, half a game behind Geelong and Carlton, but our percentage is a full 20% higher than both. Also laughed at the amount of footys that went missing in the crowd of 113,500.

I’d like to hear any opinions on comparisons from that era to today.
Brilliant post tigersnake :clap It deserves to be on the Tiger Talk board as it would arouse a heap of discussion there IMO.
Maybe TD, but it kind of defeats the purpose of having this board then don't you reckon.

Another comment on the game, anyone who is buying the new twin pack DVD, or just watching it yet again, watch out for Terry Smith's bullet, low-trajectory passes. My old man was a stab-pass officionado. When we were kids and kicked footy with him he'd knock the wind out of us with, after which mum would go beserk at him, he'd laugh. The day you could mark one without doubling over and crumpling to the ground was the day you felt like you'd come of age.

Dad was a big fan of Smith, and after watching those passes again I see why.
I've never seen our 1980 Grand Final win. :-[ :-[ :-[

I bought the DVD a few months ago but can't find it. Did anyone find a copy left on a tram in the city?

I'm ordering it again so I can finally see it and in the meantime look forward to reading people's memories and recollections of the day.

Any comments yourself Td?
Tigerdog said:
Brilliant post tigersnake  :clap It deserves to be on the Tiger Talk board as it would arouse a heap of discussion there IMO.

I'm sure it would arouse more discussion there but it's a shame people don't make more use of the various boards. At least here it's a record of our history whereas on the main baord it would soon slip into obscurity.
I attended the 1980 GF as an 11 year old. In fact, I went to most games that year, starting with a 5 point win over Hawthorn at Princes Park. The atmosphere back then was absolutley electric - I think the old Southern Stand with its roof used to echo a lot more than today's stands.
I definitely agree with you on the standard of football - the game was tough, fast and skillful. The old VFL rivalry between Collingwood and Richmond was fuelled by the likes of Jack and Lou on World of Sport and this added to the occasion.
I recall watching the replay after the game and the post match celebrations that channel 7 televised. I also recall watching the Channel 2 full replay the next Saturday.
I had a Duffle coat with Robert Wiley No.2 on the back - and some of his snap goals in that game put the current players to shame.
Strangley, I still feel that the 1982 Richmond side was a better team - mainly because of no 17 Maurice Rioli.
The VFL was and will always be, in my opinion, better than this money driven AFL that has sold its soul to television and night football..
Wasn't this just a fantastic day; emphatic win, K.B. N.Smith medal.. 80 was a great year.. Lane, Jacko & Roachy all won the goal kicking, the toughest thing to remember is it was so bloody long ago!!
                                                                 'Go Tiges ' :emblem :thumbsup
bringbackvfl said:
The VFL was and will always be, in my opinion, better than this money driven AFL that has sold its soul to television and night football..

I agree with that for sure.
We had 20 blokes who could play footy ??? and havent had a collection of 20 blokes who could play footy since 1982 :p ???
i've got a framed weg from 1980 hanging proudly in my lounge room. a great day, a great win, a great team..
lets hope we can do it again soon.....
I've got the GF on DVD and what stood out for me was Mark Lee's ruckwork. It wasn't just that he won the vast majority of hitouts against Peter Moore, but that he tried to bash the ball forward as far as possible instead of merely palming it down.

It was very effective and makes one wonder why it isn't employed more often. I remember Clark Keating in the 2003 GF using the same tactic rather effectively.
I was 20 years old and watched the game from the Notting Hill pub. Had a great day! My father in law to be is mad Collingwood and was at the game. I remember him saying that in the last quarter whwn the result was beyond all doubt all he did was watch Bartlett-and he comments to this day about that sudden explosion of pace over the first 2 meteres that allowed him to shake the tag and run at a pack mark. He says that Bartletts reading of the ball ,and the pack ,to position himself at the right place and at the right time was remarkable.
I'm going to have to watch it again. My lasting impressions are how much harder at the ball everyone was and how good KB was.
Didnt make it to the GF in 1980, yes I thought there would be plenty more and my Mum wanted to watch at home. Boy did I miss out. I got to around 16-18 games that year and we flogged everyone. At Footscray we nearly scored 200 points vs around 60 odd. This was the best TEAM we ever had. The earlier ones in 60s / 70s had stars but as a team this one shone. We could not beat Hawthorn but did just about everyone else. Our rovers were outstanding. Wiley, Bartlett, Flea truly fantastic. Rosey enjoy the game!!
Still haven't watched the game HK but will over summer.
Below is the first half of an article about Geelong's premiership

Cats-22 to test repeat resolve
02 October 2007 Herald Sun
Trevor Grant

AMID the premiership celebrations at the Armadale home of Richmond president Ian Wilson in 1980, a bald-headed bag of misery sat silently slumped in a kitchen chair.

The party-pooper was Graeme Richmond, Punt Rd's benevolent dictator and driving force behind the five premiership cups the Tigers secured between 1967 and 1980.

He should have been bursting with pride at being a significant contributor to the ultimate achievement, yet he looked as if the Tigers had lost, not won, the Grand Final by 81 points 24 hours earlier.

I pulled up a chair and asked him why he was looking about as comfortable as a preacher at a porn night.

Sipping his bitter lemon, the lifelong teetotaller pointed to the players around a barrel of beer in the back yard, well and truly high on the feeling of being record-breaking premiership victors.

He was genuinely distraught at the prospect that this victory would lead to the collapse of his football club.

Richmond was one of those football obsessives for whom the journey was everything. When the team reached its destination, and wanted to stop and smell the flowers, he preferred to sit in the corner and fret about the future.

(Rest of article snipped)

HK Tiger said:
Didnt make it to the GF in 1980, yes I thought there would be plenty more and my Mum wanted to watch at home. Boy did I miss out. I got to around 16-18 games that year and we flogged everyone. At Footscray we nearly scored 200 points vs around 60 odd. This was the best TEAM we ever had. The earlier ones in 60s / 70s had stars but as a team this one shone. We could not beat Hawthorn but did just about everyone else. Our rovers were outstanding. Wiley, Bartlett, Flea truly fantastic. Rosey enjoy the game!!

Richmond played Hawthorn twice in 1980 and beat them both times. You're thinking of 1982.