Can't open the video clips on the Tiger TV page | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Can't open the video clips on the Tiger TV page

Right click on the video, select save target as and download it to your computer to view. It should work everytime. If it doesn't let me know what error you get.
Thanks tiga,

I could download them to the desktop but I already have them saved in my documents so there's no point.

What I don't understand is why I can't view them from the link on the TV page when I used to be able to.

It took me an hour or more to download each clip to my computer then around as long again to upload them to the site.
Rosy, it's generally best practice to download movie files rather than view them online unless you have a video streaming server which transfers the movie at the required speed for the users connection. I have a pretty fast connection if I can help you out in some way with this in the future.

I have tried downloading the videos using the 'save target as' method, and it starts, downloads 3% of the video and then stops, any suggestions??
DF, do you have a modem, cable or adsl internet connection?
Sounds like you're hitting some sort of bottleneck.

First of all, try deleting all your temporary internet files (under tools/internet options)which will clear any possibly corrupt previous temp files created by the download and try again.

Let me know how you go.