America, will they ever learn? (Gun Control Debate) | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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America, will they ever learn? (Gun Control Debate)

The use of the word 'only' tells you all you need to know. And this is a guardian writer. Nothing will change - personal freedom is prioritised in the US over any social benefits of restrictions.

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He said he was only aware of three other shootings caused by six-year-old students in the time period he had studied. Those include the fatal shooting of a fellow student in 2000 in Michigan and shootings that injured other students in 2011 in Texas and 2021 in Mississippi.

Riedman said he only knew of one other instance of a student younger than that causing gunfire at a school, in which a five-year-old student brought a gun to a Tennessee school in 2013 and accidentally discharged it. No one was injured in that case.

Daniel W Webster, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who studies gun violence, agreed that a six-year-old shooting a teacher at school was extremely unusual. But he said his research showed that instances of young children accessing loaded guns and shooting themselves or others unintentionally in homes or other settings were rising.

“A six-year-old gaining access to a loaded gun and shooting him or herself or someone else, sadly, is not so rare,” he said in an email to Associated Press.

Investigators were trying to figure out where he obtained the handgun.
The use of the word 'only' tells you all you need to know. And this is a guardian writer. Nothing will change - personal freedom is prioritised in the US over any social benefits of restrictions.

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He said he was only aware of three other shootings caused by six-year-old students in the time period he had studied. Those include the fatal shooting of a fellow student in 2000 in Michigan and shootings that injured other students in 2011 in Texas and 2021 in Mississippi.

Riedman said he only knew of one other instance of a student younger than that causing gunfire at a school, in which a five-year-old student brought a gun to a Tennessee school in 2013 and accidentally discharged it. No one was injured in that case.

Daniel W Webster, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who studies gun violence, agreed that a six-year-old shooting a teacher at school was extremely unusual. But he said his research showed that instances of young children accessing loaded guns and shooting themselves or others unintentionally in homes or other settings were rising.

“A six-year-old gaining access to a loaded gun and shooting him or herself or someone else, sadly, is not so rare,” he said in an email to Associated Press.

Investigators were trying to figure out where he obtained the handgun.

Nothing will change.

I said 10 years ago that if Sandy Hook wasn't the trigger for change in the US, then nothing will ever change there. As a country IMO, the US are lost. They do not know right from wrong. Its a shame, as the US has always been a fun place to visit.
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Nothing will change.

I said 10 years ago that if Sandy Hook wasn't the trigger for change in the US, then nothing will ever change there. As a country IMO, the US are lost. They do not know right from wrong. Its a shame, as the US has always been a fun place to visit.
When you've got the likes of Tucker Carlson being one of the loudest voices there you have no hope. Listen to this debate he had with a few other morons back in 2015, even Trump pipes in. Amazing commentary about all sorts of things.

Listen to the moronic comment by his co-host saying the actual number of guns have gone down whilst shootings have gone up so you can't blame guns.

No hope.
Unfortunately, it’s a lost cause over there. Thousands of innocents have been murdered over the past decade or so but the people making the laws are in the pockets of the NRA. I’m waiting for one of these *smile* politicians come out with “ our thoughts and prayers are with the victims”. WAKE UP YOU DICKHEADS!!!! That didn’t help stop the next massacre and it won’t stop the next, or the one after that.
I saw this the other day and I should be shocked but sadly wasn’t. It could so easily have ended as another fatality

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Maybe the Yanks just need to join in on another war or two. That way they get to shoot the *smile* out of lots of people legally instead of getting into lots of trouble for shooting up the neighbours.
Maybe the Yanks just need to join in on another war or two. That way they get to shoot the *smile* out of lots of people legally instead of getting into lots of trouble for shooting up the neighbours.
Won’t work. The cowardly *smile* that initiate massacres usually fire on unarmed innocent civilians. Those *smile* won’t want to go to war because the people they’re shooting at will be shooting back at them
I lived in the us for about six years. Two in Houston and two near dc in Virginia.

In my first month we had an announcement that firearms now had to be allowed in work car parks due to a change in the law but had to be left in the glovebox. Previously firearms weren’t permitted.

On the talkback radio they has on a hero seven year old who had shot a trespasser on their property saving their family apparently.

A major safety assessment got delayed a month because the lead assessor’s mother had been shot accidentally by a firearm discharging in a bar (apparently it was in a bag and somehow triggered).

It’s just completely normalised. Any Aussie would find any one of these three things bizarre and outlandish. No one batted an eyelid.

Oh and my Neighbor showed me his sniper rifle (for deer hunting) and got me to look through the sights at the water tower.

Lol and it’s all coming back. Your local target/Kmart had a selection of his and hers guns with pink bling if some Desired and all the ammo you need to defend yourself.
Unfortunately, it’s a lost cause over there. Thousands of innocents have been murdered over the past decade or so but the people making the laws are in the pockets of the NRA. I’m waiting for one of these *smile* politicians come out with “ our thoughts and prayers are with the victims”. WAKE UP YOU DICKHEADS!!!! That didn’t help stop the next massacre and it won’t stop the next, or the one after that.
I saw this the other day and I should be shocked but sadly wasn’t. It could so easily have ended as another fatality

I would add to that Legends that a lot of the gun violence in Mexico and Central America is fueled by guns exported from the US. The border into Mexico from the US is wide open yet they complain about the victims of these crimes fleeing north. I am currently living in Morelia, Michoacan and drove across the border, I could have smuggled a small arsenal if I wanted. That's also on the Mexican government but it certainly appears the US is not holding their gun manufacturers accountable for responsible selling.
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So many guns in a country that's in decay? Far from getting better I think it's only going to get much worse.

Its been getting worse for many years.

The data is without doubt, but Americans will still tell you until they are blue in the face that guns don't kill people.

The US has a MUCH higher rate of homicide compared to almost every other Western nation. I don't have upto date numbers, but the homicide rate in 2018 was 4.96 / 100k people in the US (with the data above from the BBC, this will almost certainly have increased over the last 4 years). Comparing that to say Australia at 0.89, the UK at 1.2 (most of europe is in the low 1's or below 1), or Canada at 1.76.

Using the data from the BBC above, it stated the rates of homicide caused by firearm, so I pulled a table to see what the homicide rate of those 4 countries was if we exclude homicides by firearm. Funnily enough, homicides by other means are in line with other countries but homicides by firearm are way in excess of the other 3. It suggests as we all know about homicides, its far more difficult to kill someone without a gun because its way more personal, harder to do things like that close to people and takes a *smile* load more guts to do it.


Suicide is the other outcome from having more guns. Again its much easier (and more efficient) to kill yourself with a gun. It takes a lot more willpower to jump off a building, or a more focused approach if slashing your wrists / hanging yourself etc. Sticking a gun in your mouth is easier to do, and way more efficient and again the US leads the Western world in a suicide rates per capita also. Winning.........................

I was talking about this the other day, the US is like a massive cult. "We are the greatest country in the world", "we need to protect our 2nd amendment rights", "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun". This sentiments are drilled into kids from a very early age, and you hear the same terminology over and over, just like you would with cult like behaviour.
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Its been getting worse for many years.

The data is without doubt, but Americans will still tell you until they are blue in the face that guns don't kill people.

The US has a MUCH higher rate of homicide compared to almost every other Western nation. I don't have upto date numbers, but the homicide rate in 2018 was 4.96 / 100k people in the US (with the data above from the BBC, this will almost certainly have increased over the last 4 years). Comparing that to say Australia at 0.89, the UK at 1.2 (most of europe is in the low 1's or below 1), or Canada at 1.76.

Using the data from the BBC above, it stated the rates of homicide caused by firearm, so I pulled a table to see what the homicide rate of those 4 countries was if we exclude homicides by firearm. Funnily enough, homicides by other means are in line with other countries but homicides by firearm are way in excess of the other 3. It suggests as we all know about homicides, its far more difficult to kill someone without a gun because its way more personal, harder to do things like that close to people and takes a *smile* load more guts to do it.

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Suicide is the other outcome from having more guns. Again its much easier (and more efficient) to kill yourself with a gun. It takes a lot more willpower to jump off a building, or a more focused approach if slashing your wrists / hanging yourself etc. Sticking a gun in your mouth is easier to do, and way more efficient and again the US leads the Western world in a suicide rates per capita also. Winning.........................

I was talking about this the other day, the US is like a massive cult. "We are the greatest country in the world", "we need to protect our 2nd amendment rights", "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun". This sentiments are drilled into kids from a very early age, and you hear the same terminology over and over, just like you would with cult like behaviour.
39 in 24 days already this year. It's a fad.
When you've got the likes of Tucker Carlson being one of the loudest voices there you have no hope. Listen to this debate he had with a few other morons back in 2015, even Trump pipes in. Amazing commentary about all sorts of things.

Listen to the moronic comment by his co-host saying the actual number of guns have gone down whilst shootings have gone up so you can't blame guns.

No hope.

No surprise that a lot of caustic, society destroying commentary comes from Murdoch stables
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You only have to google sky news and this topic and the moronic statements pile up. This was on Chris Kenny.

Sky News contributor Kristin Tate says there is the “usual push for gun control” in the US following two mass shootings in California over three days.

“But if you look at the facts regarding gun control – gun control does not seem to work in preventing gun-related deaths,” she told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

She said “better laws” related to gun ownership appear to be more effective.

She also said the left get giddy about making political points after massacres!

She then went on to say that she lives in Texas and they don't have those same problems as every bad guy in Texas knows there's a good guy packing heat close by which is why they don't have the mass shootings! Texas sits bang in the middle of the US states for gun related deaths per capita. But 5 of the top 11 (so almost half) of the worst mass shootings since 1991 in the US have taken place in which state - you guessed it TEXAS. Why the *smile* didn't Chris pull her up with some facts???
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When you've got the likes of Tucker Carlson being one of the loudest voices there you have no hope. Listen to this debate he had with a few other morons back in 2015, even Trump pipes in. Amazing commentary about all sorts of things.

Listen to the moronic comment by his co-host saying the actual number of guns have gone down whilst shootings have gone up so you can't blame guns.

No hope.
The irony of the far right in the USA is that without gun control you cannot be pro life.

This is a society in decline. It will take something drastic to wake them up, like a civil war.

The thing that always gob smacked me about Americans I have dealt with over many years for work is the number of otherwise intelligent people who were so unbelievably stupid when it came to guns.
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