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911 Truth Movement

Do you think the US government should hold an independent investigation into the events surrounding

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Tiger Legend
Mar 2, 2003
Some interesting questions being raised

Karma's a *smile*....

good doco if you have the time

have a look at loose change


this is the full version , certainly makes you think differently
Is there a relevant article on this or can someone post what the questions are please? I couldn't watch a long YouTube clip on my computer.
Some of their claims have merit but the controlled demolition? Please!

You only need to fast forward to Iraq and the claims of WMD to question the intent of the Bush administration.
WesternTiger said:
Some of their claims have merit but the controlled demolition? Please!

are you saying that there is no way controlled demolitions were used?

WTC7 is the biggest smoking gun IMO
Are the hundreds of engineers and architects who also question the official version of events all high too KR?
rosy23 said:
Is there a relevant article on this or can someone post what the questions are please? I couldn't watch a long YouTube clip on my computer.


you might need a few hours ;D
I haven't watched any of the clips above, and don't subscribe to any of the conspiracy theories, but a series of films titled loose change are generally the go to for 9/11 conspiracies.
Disco08 said:
Are the hundreds of engineers and architects who also question the official version of events all high too KR?

It's Occam's razor isn't it? When the choice is between a stuff up and conspiracy, 99% of the time my money's on a stuff up.
Seems to me you're making quite a few assumptions here. 9/11 is a very complicated situation. Applying OR to it as a whole won't work.
Disco08 said:
Are the hundreds of engineers and architects who also question the official version of events all high too KR?

Without reading any of the conspiracy theories, any idea what % of architects and engineers feel there was a controlled demolition ? I wonder if it's a similar % of say Doctors who believe in Intelligent Design over evolution.
Disco08 said:
Seems to me you're making quite a few assumptions here. 9/11 is a very complicated situation. Applying OR to it as a whole won't work.

Sure it will. But feel free to disagree. A series of never before seen nor tested for events happened resulting in the spectacular failure of engineering under conditions that simply couldn't have been conceived during design and construction. I don't see anything that I find requires an alternate explanation.