U.S Presidential Election | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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U.S Presidential Election

Which potential president are you talking about?
What a choice the US voters have. Both showing signs of cognitive decline although there is an argument to say one of them was already there for years.....
In the end it is about policies but also about the ability of the President to surround themselves with highly competent and serious people. Trump's track record with this is abysmal and given the choices that have been thrown up as potential VPs it appears it is not getting better, if anything it is getting worse.
I am not a fan of Biden but what the world does not need is a deranged and dangerous person in the White House.
The best possible scenario is a massive loss to Trump but I fear the Democrats have lost that opportunity by endorsing Biden
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What a choice the US voters have. Both showing signs of cognitive decline although there is an argument to say one of them was already there for years.....
In the end it is about policies but also about the ability of the President to surround themselves with highly competent and serious people. Trump's track record with this is abysmal and given the choices that have been thrown up as potential VPs it appears it is not getting better, if anything it is getting worse.
I am not a fan of Biden but what the world does not need is a deranged and dangerous person in the White House.
The best possible scenario is a massive loss to Trump but I fear the Democrats have lost that opportunity by endorsing Biden

The Boomers assumed power early and are refusing to let go of it. They have the money, influence and connections to hold onto power and they won't let it go.

Biden 81
Trump 77
Mitch McConnell 82

Maybe there was something to Logan's Run afterall
The Boomers assumed power early and are refusing to let go of it. They have the money, influence and connections to hold onto power and they won't let it go.

Biden 81
Trump 77
Mitch McConnell 82

Maybe there was something to Logan's Run afterall
Biden and McConnell aren't boomers ( from 1946) , Trump barely makes it :)
Have to laugh at the stupidity and the non self awareness of trump’s acolytes and brown nosers/ arse kissers. Claiming (wrongly) that the FBI ( sorry, Biden’s DOJ) had shoot to kill orders when they raided trumps bungalow looking for classified documents. Repeating over and over the fake news, and saying it’s under Biden’s orders. These are the same idiots that say that trump shouldn’t be prosecuted for anything because he has presidential immunity for any crimes he committed ( not that he committed any because he is the reincarnation of Jesus/Gandhi/ Mother Theresa rolled into one bloated pumpkin package). Arguments from his supporters for that have cited a hypothetical that he could order the assassination of political opponents without legal repercussions. But crying foul that Biden ordered the raid with shoot to kill orders :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Have to laugh at the stupidity and the non self awareness of trump’s acolytes and brown nosers/ arse kissers. Claiming (wrongly) that the FBI ( sorry, Biden’s DOJ) had shoot to kill orders when they raided trumps bungalow looking for classified documents. Repeating over and over the fake news, and saying it’s under Biden’s orders. These are the same idiots that say that trump shouldn’t be prosecuted for anything because he has presidential immunity for any crimes he committed ( not that he committed any because he is the reincarnation of Jesus/Gandhi/ Mother Theresa rolled into one bloated pumpkin package). Arguments from his supporters for that have cited a hypothetical that he could order the assassination of political opponents without legal repercussions. But crying foul that Biden ordered the raid with shoot to kill orders :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
MAGAs don’t understand logic or irony…
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Hate to call it, but Drumpf should win in a canter.

It aint going to be pretty for the rest of the globe, that's for sure!
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Have to laugh at the stupidity and the non self awareness of trump’s acolytes and brown nosers/ arse kissers. Claiming (wrongly) that the FBI ( sorry, Biden’s DOJ) had shoot to kill orders when they raided trumps bungalow looking for classified documents. Repeating over and over the fake news, and saying it’s under Biden’s orders. These are the same idiots that say that trump shouldn’t be prosecuted for anything because he has presidential immunity for any crimes he committed ( not that he committed any because he is the reincarnation of Jesus/Gandhi/ Mother Theresa rolled into one bloated pumpkin package). Arguments from his supporters for that have cited a hypothetical that he could order the assassination of political opponents without legal repercussions. But crying foul that Biden ordered the raid with shoot to kill orders :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Cultists are like that.
Hate to call it, but Drumpf should win in a canter.

It aint going to be pretty for the rest of the globe, that's for sure!
Sad to think that " the worlds greatest super power " well according to the septics at least. Has devolved into a choice of Trumpster or Bidet. Kinda puts me in mind of a Nero fiddling while Rome burned scenario.
Sad to think that " the worlds greatest super power " well according to the septics at least. Has devolved into a choice of Trumpster or Bidet. Kinda puts me in mind of a Nero fiddling while Rome burned scenario.

Yep! The US of A is definitely on the decline, further helping the rise of "those who shalt not be named".

Throw BRICS into the mix and we are seeing the beginning of a large shift in global power, away from the USA and 'Western power'.
Yep! The US of A is definitely on the decline, further helping the rise of "those who shalt not be named".

Throw BRICS into the mix and we are seeing the beginning of a large shift in global power, away from the USA and 'Western power'.
Straight into the hands of China, Russia, Nth Korea, India n a few Arabic states. Glad I'm serious old coz i sure as hell can't see that being any better than we've had over recent history.
Hate to call it, but Drumpf should win in a canter.

It aint going to be pretty for the rest of the globe, that's for sure!
Not so sure

Drumpf is seriously hurt by the female vote because of the Republican stand on abortion and the repeal of Roe V Wade , his poll numbers with women are awful. There is also a key part of the conservative movement there that won't vote for him which was evidenced by the votes for Niki Haley even after she had pulled out of the race.

On the other side Biden has been hurt by his stance on Israel which is deeply unpopular with a lot of the younger and more traditional Democrat voters.

In the end this election will be decided by voter turn out. At the last election they had the highest turn out for many years and that helped Biden a lot, it needs to be repeated again.
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Yep! The US of A is definitely on the decline, further helping the rise of "those who shalt not be named".

Throw BRICS into the mix and we are seeing the beginning of a large shift in global power, away from the USA and 'Western power'.
US hegemony is dead as it should be
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Not so sure

Drumpf is seriously hurt by the female vote because of the Republican stand on abortion and the repeal of Roe V Wade , his poll numbers with women are awful. There is also a key part of the conservative movement there that won't vote for him which was evidenced by the votes for Niki Haley even after she had pulled out of the race.

On the other side Biden has been hurt by his stance on Israel which is deeply unpopular with a lot of the younger and more traditional Democrat voters.

In the end this election will be decided by voter turn out. At the last election they had the highest turn out for many years and that helped Biden a lot, it needs to be repeated again.
The Haley factor has been diminished now though, after the weak person that she really is underneath it all, said that she’d endorse and vote for Trump this week.
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Wow!!! Donald Trump is dead :eek:
No , I didn’t hear or read this on any msm or other fake news. His death was reported from an impeccable and trustworthy source. Donald Dump reported it himself in his latest grift email to his gullible maga supporters.
He nearly escaped death. That means he is dead right? I mean, it was unfortunate for him that he wasn’t at maralago when the authorities executed ( sorry, poor choice of words there) a lawful search warrant, I assume guns holstered. Maybe if he was there he could have escaped death, instead of nearly escaping it. I guess we will never know

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Thats the thing Sin. The massive grifters that the majority of both parties are, will vote for and say what they need to say to stay within the grasp of power.

Ethics... Morals...??? huh??? These things appear to be of little concern when put up against losing your seat at the table of power.

Bloody shameful stuff. Yep, it happens all over the globe, but seems to be a real infection in America.
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Not so sure

Drumpf is seriously hurt by the female vote because of the Republican stand on abortion and the repeal of Roe V Wade , his poll numbers with women are awful. There is also a key part of the conservative movement there that won't vote for him which was evidenced by the votes for Niki Haley even after she had pulled out of the race.

On the other side Biden has been hurt by his stance on Israel which is deeply unpopular with a lot of the younger and more traditional Democrat voters.

In the end this election will be decided by voter turn out. At the last election they had the highest turn out for many years and that helped Biden a lot, it needs to be repeated again.
Yep, it just pipped the 1908 turnout, at a smidge over 2/3rds of eligible voters.

Still, I don't know if 66% is anything worth crowing about but it's a start.
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He can and most likely will, still run for President.

The question is, what sort of sentence will the judge give him. Could be anything from jail to probation or home confinement.

Jail would make a Presidential run pretty hard, but probation probably wouldn’t.

Most of the American RWNJ’s would probably see this as a badge of honour. His vote might actually grow given the warped thinking in the USA.
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