This is probably the wrong place to post this, so I'll expect Rosy to give me a good talking to very quickly. But I just want to mention that I have in my proud possession the last letter Jack Dyer wrote in his own handwriting, just a couple of years back. His son John told me he's sure it would be the last one. I wrote to Jack asking him to verify that I had a No.17 jumper that he gave me when we both worked at Truth newspaper, Melbourne. Jack wrote a delightful letter back, saying it was definitely his writing, signing his name about four times on the letter as if to show anybody who read it and he recalled the times we were the only two people in the entire Truth office who barracked for the Tigers. I still have the letter tucked safely away in my book, "Captain Blood," written by Jack with the aid of Brian Hansen and signed by those two gentlemen. I still have the jumper, as you can see from my photograph on this site. I don't think Jack actually wore the jumper, but it was his and he handed it to me, so I'm extremely proud of it. He was and always will be my idol.