Not so long ago, I would be at a Barbie or similar, and someone would ask me who I barracked for ..
There would be a bit of an awkward pause, then they would tell me how hilarious it was that The Tigers keep finishing ninth ......
In a sympathetic voice they would then tell me that they barracked for so and so successful team,
But that Richmond was their "second" team .... and "hey, you guys have got the best song at least.......Ha Ha Ha ....."
But not anymore ......
Nowadays I hear people saying that Richmond supporters are arrogant...........
If enjoying success, being confident and being happy to talk footy to anyone, after copping years of abuse is arrogance, then yes I am.
And BTW, there is no such thing as a "second team", but you are right, "Yellow and Black" screamed by 90k voices is awesome.
There would be a bit of an awkward pause, then they would tell me how hilarious it was that The Tigers keep finishing ninth ......
In a sympathetic voice they would then tell me that they barracked for so and so successful team,
But that Richmond was their "second" team .... and "hey, you guys have got the best song at least.......Ha Ha Ha ....."
But not anymore ......
Nowadays I hear people saying that Richmond supporters are arrogant...........
If enjoying success, being confident and being happy to talk footy to anyone, after copping years of abuse is arrogance, then yes I am.
And BTW, there is no such thing as a "second team", but you are right, "Yellow and Black" screamed by 90k voices is awesome.