Re: Adam Goodes | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
  • IMPORTANT // Please look after your loved ones, yourself and be kind to others. If you are feeling that the world is too hard to handle there is always help - I implore you not to hesitate in contacting one of these wonderful organisations Lifeline and Beyond Blue ... and I'm sure reaching out to our PRE community we will find a way to help. T.

Re: Adam Goodes

Adam Goodes - Respect.

He could have made life very uncomfortable for the girl but instead has turned the focus on educating the girl rather than her facing social prosecution.
Smoking Aces said:
Adam Goodes - Respect.

He could have made life very uncomfortable for the girl but instead has turned the focus on educating the girl rather than her facing social prosecution.

All cudos to him but seriously, who would ostracise a 14 year old girl anyway? The issue here is with her mentors, her parents? For a 14yo to make comments like this, she's obviously been exposed to this language enough times to think it's ok. Really do feel sorry for the youngster. There are yobbos hurling racial abuse every week at the footy, they'r the ones we should be making examples of. as for social prosecution, her face was plastered all over the TV. She'll get her social persecution. Hopefully she'll come out of it a smarter person.
It was a good move by Goodes to highlight this girl's racial slur last night. It was also a good move by Eddie to apologise on behalf of his feral supporter mentality, however, by saying that because this is a 13 year old girl, we don't want to 'witch-hunt' her with this case due to previous social media bullying issues, I just think they've already gone too far publicly. Does Goodes need to do a presser for this? Does Dimwitriou have to also speak publicly by repeating what Eddie's already said last night? Does she have to know publicly that she can give Goodes a call? Does she have to meet with Goodes?

Situations like this always irk me due to 'public fame' that people nowadays all want to achieve such as that woman at Etihad holding a sign next to Milne who was called in to the Footy Show the week after.

Why have a presser? Just evict the girl, penalise her and leave it at that. If Goodes wanted a personal apology, do it privately.
GoodOne said:
All cudos to him but seriously, who would ostracise a 14 year old girl anyway? The issue here is with her mentors, her parents? For a 14yo to make comments like this, she's obviously been exposed to this language enough times to think it's ok. Really do feel sorry for the youngster. There are yobbos hurling racial abuse every week at the footy, they'r the ones we should be making examples of. as for social prosecution, her face was plastered all over the TV. She'll get her social persecution. Hopefully she'll come out of it a smarter person.

Well said.
TigerForce said:
Why have a presser? Just evict the girl, penalise her and leave it at that. If Goodes wanted a personal apology, do it privately.

A public apology. Imagine that :yellowno
TigerForce said:
It was a good move by Goodes to highlight this girl's racial slur last night. It was also a good move by Eddie to apologise on behalf of his feral supporter mentality, however, by saying that because this is a 13 year old girl, we don't want to 'witch-hunt' her with this case due to previous social media bullying issues, I just think they've already gone too far publicly. Does Goodes need to do a presser for this? Does Dimwitriou have to also speak publicly by repeating what Eddie's already said last night? Does she have to know publicly that she can give Goodes a call? Does she have to meet with Goodes?

Situations like this always irk me due to 'public fame' that people nowadays all want to achieve such as that woman at Etihad holding a sign next to Milne who was called in to the Footy Show the week after.

Why have a presser? Just evict the girl, penalise her and leave it at that. If Goodes wanted a personal apology, do it privately.

Not so sure there is any benefit to this situation being swept under the carpet.

The girl has made a blue and should be shown her behavior is unacceptable. The rest of the footy also needs to know the affect and consequences of racially abusing people.

Her parents are the biggest villains in all this as others have said. It's like the whole point of the indigenous round has escaped them. It's a shame and it shows that we still have a long way to go as a society if we are serious in eradicating racism.
josey said:
Not so sure there is any benefit to this situation being swept under the carpet.

The girl has made a blue and should be shown her behavior is unacceptable. The rest of the footy also needs to know the affect and consequences of racially abusing people.

Her parents are the biggest villains in all this as others have said. It's like the whole point of the indigenous round has escaped them. It's a shame and it shows that we still have a long way to go as a society if we are serious in eradicating racism.

Gen Y & Z attitudes is always another major issue, but what I found amazing were the 'zombies' sitting near her not saying if nothing actually happened.
TigerForce said:
Situations like this always irk me due to 'public fame' that people nowadays all want to achieve such as that woman at Etihad holding a sign next to Milne who was called in to the Footy Show the week after.

It's a good point TF. We want to teach our children the right thing, however, it's ok to publicise some woman abusing Milne with filthy lnguage at a game of footy. Kids hear this, they then see it laughed about on the Footy show, so they think it's alright to swear obscenities at players. Racial abuse becomes an extension of this. It's pretty hypocritical at times.
GoodOne said:
It's a good point TF. We want to teach our children the right thing, however, it's ok to publicise some woman abusing Milne with filthy lnguage at a game of footy. Kids hear this, they then see it laughed about on the Footy show, so they think it's alright to swear obscenities at players. Racial abuse becomes an extension of this. It's pretty hypocritical at times.
Well said, both of you - and most of the psters above (I haven't read them all, so I can't say all).
TigerForce said:
Gen Y & Z attitudes is always another major issue, but what I found amazing were the 'zombies' sitting near her not saying if nothing actually happened.

Yeah they looked a bit like rabbits in a spotlight.

GoodOne said:
It's a good point TF. We want to teach our children the right thing, however, it's ok to publicise some woman abusing Milne with filthy lnguage at a game of footy. Kids hear this, they then see it laughed about on the Footy show, so they think it's alright to swear obscenities at players. Racial abuse becomes an extension of this. It's pretty hypocritical at times.

It's strange to think people go to the footy to abuse people. In this situation what did Goodes do to warrant abuse. Simply that he is a Sydney player or was it because he is aboriginal.

It shouldn't matter either way.
GoodOne said:
It's a good point TF. We want to teach our children the right thing, however, it's ok to publicise some woman abusing Milne with filthy lnguage at a game of footy. Kids hear this, they then see it laughed about on the Footy show, so they think it's alright to swear obscenities at players. Racial abuse becomes an extension of this. It's pretty hypocritical at times.

Exactly right GO. This is just another case of 'grandstanding' a culprit.
An adult million dollar football celebrity and a minor who enjoys all the social privilege of a jumper wearing Collingwood supporter. One is humiliated in front of half a dozen people the other is called out in front of an audience of millions.

Not impressed with either action but I know who I expected better from.
Find it absolutely mesmerising how anyone with a skerrick of understanding around this issue can think it's been handled the wrong way. I unreservedly commend Goodes, McGuire and Demetriou for the way this has been both tackled and managed since.

How on earth can any of you expect Goodes to do nothing in those circumstances. He's done what's right. Nothing more and nothing less. McGuire acted decisively and gave a clear message that this isn't tolerable but it must be handled so that some learning happens rather than a witch-hunt. Exactly as it should be.

By 1pm the following day, it's been brought into public focus (as it happened publicly) but where the damage was done a private apology has also been made. Swift, decisive, appropriate.

Guys, we have Indigenous Round not just as a chance to celebrate our Aboriginal champs of the past. It's a vehicle for something bigger. Genuine reconciliation is something we should all be interested in - and that shouldn't be conditional.

Words, even those of a 13 year old, reflect thinking. Thinking reflects values. Values reflect families. Families reflect communities. While these words go unchallenged we can expect racism to be a cancer in our community for eternity.

Bravo to all involved last night and this morning. Couldn't possibly have been done better.