Mike Sheehan's "Paper Tigers." | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Mike Sheehan's "Paper Tigers."



Mike Sheehan's dream team from the HS today.

Cameron Gaspar A Kellaway
Hilton Holland Campbell
Bowden Johnson Tivendale
Fiora Richardson Blumfield
Rodan Ottens Krakouer

Stafford Coughlan Chaffey

Int Hall Zantuck D Kellaway Rogers

Emg King Newman Pettifer

On the fringe Bidders Dragga Houlihan Hyde Mills Nicholls Vardy

Sheehan's prediction 8-10

I don't think that's much different to a team I'd pick really. Maybe swap Hilton and Fiora or Hilton and Chaffey and start Otto in the ruck.

If we can get that team on the park first round the Pies will be in trouble, haha. ;D (Pay up the bet now you know who. ;) )

Go Tiges.
I would swap Petiffer for Krakouer in that 22. Heck I'd even have Newman ahead of Krakouer.

I thought Sheehan's preview was pretty spot on except when he undervalued Coughlan's performance last year.
Pettifer wouldn't get near my starting 22 unless he's improved his attitude bigtime.
I'd have him in Coburg until his form warranted senior selection, not like his form when he was sent back there last year.
He's a young kid who's played very little football in the last 2 years.
I'd like to see him get some full games in the reserves first and hopefully be better later on for the experience.
If he plays to last years form, it would be extremely difficult to start Zantuck on teh bench. Only problem is that I dont know where to put him. We seem to have a glut of medium sized defenders like Chaffey, Cameron, Hilton, Campbell, Bidda's etc.

I would probably start Krak on the woodwork, would start Hilton in the forward pocket and would start Zantuck on half back. I would also think about swapping Chaffey with Campbell.
Start Zantuck and make Cameron a bench player to prolong his career. I'm not sure Krakouer deserves the start: he looks good in training, looks good in the Aboriginal All-Stars, looked good in the Wizz Cup last year, but he hasn't done enough at the top level. 2 years under his belt now, time to earn it like everybody else. Good form for Coburg first, then give him 3 games in the seniors to prove himself. He needs to show that he can do more than just get the ball 3 times and nab to the odd goal.
Pettifer wouldn't get near my starting 22 unless he's improved his attitude bigtime.
I'd have him in Coburg until his form warranted senior selection, not like his form when he was sent back there last year.
He's a young kid who's played very little football in the last 2 years.
I'd like to see him get some full games in the reserves first and hopefully be better later on for the experience.

According to The Age rosy, Petiffer has put on six kilos and has been one of our best performers in pre-season training. Bad attitude and all, I still think he is more likely to get the ball and kick goals than Krakouer is.
Heard it all before. I'll believe it when I see it - on the field, in a real game. Like Krak, he has to do some quality time at Coburg, then take his chance when he gets the call up.
I thought Sheehan's preview was pretty spot on except ...

Except if he actually knew what he was on about he'd half look like an expert.

If it's not Collingwood, he aint interested. :p

If ya gonna do a review on Richmond, at least look like you're a little bit interested.

I know we've done nothing over a long period of time to get excited about, but you might actually sound like you know something about our players, rather than getting your info. from somewhere.

I know we all like to consider ourselves official unofficial experts, but we don't get paid for it. Tell us something we didn't already know before we read your article Mike.

Why would you compare Mark Coughlan to Geoff Raines? :-/ Did I miss something? ???
The argument re Krack and Pettifer is purely academic at this stage.

Based on what we have seen so far in the early part (all stars and practice match) Krack has to there abouts.

Whilst some say it is time for him to step up, lets not forget that he was taken a year earlier than he probably would have been ordinarily, so I would say that he is probably on target.

Lets not worry to much about what they did last year, but what they have done this year.

I remember a few people about this time last year saying the same things about Cogs and boy havent they changed there tune. A year is a very long time in Footy so lets see how the go in the Wizee Cup. Those who take their chance will be deserving of the right to wear the Yellow and Black.
make Cameron a bench player to prolong his career.   
There is an article about Leon in Inside Football this week where he discusses ending his career.

He said "I believe once you turn 30, it's hard to sign a long-term deal because you don't know whether you will have the burning desire to keep playing."....
"As long as the mind says it wants to keep playing at the elite level and the club wants you to go on, which is important, I will.

He also said a knee injury delayed the start of his pre season training until January last year and he struggled to shake the problem throughout the year.

Go Leon, have a good one.  Pure class.
How could u even think about swapping Pettifer for Krakouer? Pettifer hasn't done anything. He is a younger version of Daffy. Able to kick a goal, that's about it. Can only run in straight lines. Has no evasive skills whatsoever. I agree about Newman though. I think he is pretty skillful and we should see good things from him this year.

*smile* Mike is a Melbourne supporter.

That's probably why he put in this little gem:

For three or four years, Melbourne was lampooned for its decision to take Travis Johnstone before Ottens in the 1997 national draft. At the end of the 2002 season, Johnstone had gone past Ottens for value to their respective teams.

Johnstone has had one good season! On the basis of this he is saying he's more valuable a player than Ottens? ::)
That was a joke.  No matter how bad Otto's season was and for whatever reason he didn't have his best season, his value to Richmond was enormous.
Because of the lack of fit talls Otto was probably our most important player.
Johnson did his own thing.  Otto had to do his work as well as the work of the other talls.
I'd like to hear the clubs reaction to Sheehan's article.
Johnson may be good, but there are plenty of similar players.
Otto's height and versatility puts his value miles ahead of Johnson imo.

Another joke was his comments on David Rodan as a small forward.  Thanks for the advice that he  "will need to get more of the ball" (don't most of our players need that Mike?) but somehow I don't think Rodo is exactly being groomed as a specialist forward pocket.  

Did Sheehan even watch him play?
Sheahan talks alot of crap, but he is 100% correct in saying that Frawley is history if we struggle.
Sheahan talks alot of crap, but he is 100% correct in saying that Frawley is history if we struggle. 35 wins/34 losses is no different to Gieshen and Walls.
That was a joke.  No matter how bad Otto's season was and for whatever reason he didn't have his best season, his value to Richmond was enormous.
Because of the lack of fit talls Otto was probably our most important player.
Johnson did his own thing.  Otto had to do his work as well as the work of the other talls.
I'd like to hear the clubs reaction to Sheehan's article.
Johnson may be good, but there are plenty of similar players.
Otto's height and versatility puts his value miles ahead of Johnson imo.

Another joke was his comments on David Rodan as a small forward.  Thanks for the advice that he  "will need to get more of the ball" (don't most of our players need that Mike?) but somehow I don't think Rodo is exactly being groomed as a specialist forward pocket.  

Did Sheehan even watch him play?

So rosy, who do you think needs to lift their game then?
TF I don't really understand what you are asking me there, or why,  in relation to the quote.
The answer is simple though.  I don't think there's a single player on our list who doesn't need to lift some aspect of their game to make us a far better team.

sheahan misses the ball completely here ; Coughlan and Rodan more than paid their way this year. Rodan was super because he hadn't even had a crack at it before. These two, with another pre-season on board, are going to make life a lot easier for the fwds.
Chuck in Johnno and Blummo too....
R-18, I am with you brother.

Rodan and Coughlan were great this year. Agree that David needed to get more of the ball, but when he was plonked at Forward Pocket he was starved. Put him on the ball and.....As an on baller he will carve teams up this year. His 5 minute spurt in the Wizzi Cup final last year was sensational.

Rodan is a pure Midfielder who will still sneak the odd goal.