Hardwick honesty | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Hardwick honesty


Tiger Legend
Jan 29, 2005
I nearly called this thread the Hardwick non appreciation thread.

First I like Hardwick, his character and passion but he gives every impression of being the gullible new kid on the block.

On SEN during the week amongst other things he stated that tiges were happy to push the boundaries and that top sides gave away more frees and he was hoping Richmond would have that characteristic.

All fine and good but with Teacher's pet Geishen in charge of umps, I'd guarantee that it was noted to the umps that tiges will push boundaries and play outside the rules. Come game day and umps are seeing non existent head tackles in front of goal and six, let me repeat SIX holding infringments at clearances, a significant amount which could seriously affect the margin and or result.

It's all very good to be honest but there's honest and then there is stupid. Malthouse, Roos and Thompson would be fiercely players men and have their players trust but for the most part keep stuff in house and give the maggots and AFL nothin'.

We have good young coaching group but we lack a Balme or Matthews or even Parkin who could take Damian aside and warn them of the pitfalls of the media and how to cover your back as coach.

Damian comes over as trying to satisfy the fans who deride spin, possibly...possibly at the cost of the club. Wallace spin was mostly about protecting himself but part of protecting himself was protecting the club. Damian should keep that in mind.

Secondly in that same interview he volunteered Nason ran 20km against the Hawks. Nice to know say the fans and also the Bombers who had an alert they might not otherwise have had. Nason ended up with single figure possessions.

I prefer the silent hardwick to the honest one in public and the reverse in the club rooms.
You can't make all the people happy all the time - you can't make Lambsy happy much of the time ;D
Not too much other clubs dont know about the oppositions players.

I Think Hardwick has remained incredibly low key since he was signed up and when he has spoke its simply honest and possitive, dont forget at this stage his not coaching an AFL team he is teaching a group of young men to play AFL
CC TIGER said:
Not too much other clubs dont know about the oppositions players.

I Think Hardwick has remained incredibly low key since he was signed up and when he has spoke its simply honest and possitive, dont forget at this stage his not coaching an AFL team he is teaching a group of young men to play AFL

That's the problem CC not a lot of people (RFC supporters, media, commentators, opposition supporters) actually understand that.
CC TIGER said:
Not too much other clubs dont know about the oppositions players.

I Think Hardwick has remained incredibly low key since he was signed up and when he has spoke its simply honest and possitive, dont forget at this stage his not coaching an AFL team he is teaching a group of young men to play AFL

That's a good point CC, and maybe the building of an 'unsociable reputation" and maybe putting the acid on the players by making them targets will work in our favour in the long term.

But winning games also builds confidence and credits among a young group. I wouldn't want to be sabotaging wins as a matter of course.
lamb22 said:
That's a good point CC, and maybe the building of an 'unsociable reputation" and maybe putting the acid on the players by making them targets will work in our favour in the long term.

But winning games also builds confidence and credits among a young group. I wouldn't want to be sabotaging wins as a matter of course.

Isn't that the main argument of the 'No Tanking' fraternity lamby? :)
WesternTiger said:
Isn't that the main argument of the 'No Tanking' fraternity lamby? :)

Is there a tanking fraternity? Bet their re-unions are a real hoot - Remember when we lost ..............

Or to answer your question differently are you suggesting that Hardwick is teaching a group of young people to play AFL by teaching them to lose?

Call me naive but I thought Hardwick was about' winning attitudes'. Have I got it wrong?
CC TIGER said:
I Think Hardwick has remained incredibly low key since he was signed up and when he has spoke its simply honest and possitive, dont forget at this stage his not coaching an AFL team he is teaching a group of young men to play AFL

Well then they should all be on a 1st year apprenticeship wage. ::)
Tony Braxton-Hicks said:
Why is he comparing Jack to a young Buddy? Stupid comparison.

Hmmmm a few too many thought bubbles from Hardwick. On Dea after his first game something like "no doubt he will be a long term player for the club"

Talking up Griffiths and Astbury as if they've proved anything. At least the fans are happy (apart form that winning thingy)
lamb22 said:
But winning games also builds confidence and credits among a young group. I wouldn't want to be sabotaging wins as a matter of course.

How do people come to these conclusions? What on earth, especially with very little draft incentive to finish last, would induce the Tigers to sabotage wins?
lamb22 said:
Hmmmm a few too many thought bubbles from Hardwick. On Dea after his first game something like "no doubt he will be a long term player for the club"

Talking up Griffiths and Astbury as if they've proved anything. At least the fans are happy (apart form that winning thingy)

Keep it up Lamb, no harm in picking the eyes out of Hardwick's journey, actually it's healthy and puts things into perspective.
GoodOne said:
How do people come to these conclusions? What on earth, especially with very little draft incentive to finish last, would induce the Tigers to sabotage wins?

I was addressing the issue of a focus on development which does not fully factor in competitveness and winning. Challenges to the group are great but if one of the challenges is to goad or tease the umps into making it harder for us -its counterproductive (at least in the short term).

Who knows he might be building an us against them culture - much like Sheeds and Chocco. Hardwick may be a genius and his plan is going great guns. I dont think a win would be too diastrous for our group though - even though all the nudge nudge wink wink guys might tut tut it as irrelevant.
Leysy Days said:
Lamby your looking too hard to find issues that aren't there ILO.

I haven't even started looking Leysey. I'm going to get some Glenn Beck graphs out soon ;D
Hardwick's comments reassured me that he's the right man to lead the club. Not sure that speaking to the media about "pushing boundaries" was terribly wise, but as a first-year coach he's going to make his share of mistakes. His philosphies will be evident in our play soon enough, anyway.
I am going to look at this as Hardwick was testing out the umpires. He said we are going to push the boundaries and in the very next match we were crucified by the umpires.

Shows that the umpires are not neutral as they should be they go into games with pre-conceived thoughts about how they will umpire.
lamb22 said:
I was addressing the issue of a focus on development which does not fully factor in competitveness and winning. Challenges to the group are great but if one of the challenges is to goad or tease the umps into making it harder for us -its counterproductive (at least in the short term).

What choice do we have? Our team has been butchered by successive coaches and recruitment teams over 25 years plus. A some stage you have to bite the bullet and say lets start again. It's all about development now. Under normal circumstances sure you belnd a good mix of development and comeptitiveness (some in business world like to call it succession planning), but we were left without a whole age group of players, and last year when what was remaining of our over 30s retired, there simply is no choice. Must play youngsters. As for goading and teasing umpires, if what Hardwick said was a case that would encourage umpires to give us a raw deal on the field, then the problem is with the umpiring fraternity, not Hardwick.
GoodOne said:
What choice do we have? Our team has been butchered by successive coaches and recruitment teams over 25 years plus. A some stage you have to bite the bullet and say lets start again. It's all about development now. Under normal circumstances sure you belnd a good mix of development and comeptitiveness (some in business world like to call it succession planning), but we were left without a whole age group of players, and last year when what was remaining of our over 30s retired, there simply is no choice. Must play youngsters. As for goading and teasing umpires, if what Hardwick said was a case that would encourage umpires to give us a raw deal on the field, then the problem is with the umpiring fraternity, not Hardwick.

Well that makes me feel better.