Good websites to check out | PUNT ROAD END | Richmond Tigers Forum
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Good websites to check out


Tiger Legend
Mar 27, 2003
I was told about 2 websites that I didn't know existed recently.

It made me think how much stuff of interest is out there on the net but we never get to hear about it.

Does anyone have any sites that the rest of us might like to check out? (Could be a dangerous question ;D )

The two I was told are There is a link on there called smart trip that will give you a map of the journey you want to go on. It includes instructions on the distance and time to the next turn etc and also includes places of interest along the way. You can choose the shortest route or the quickest route. I've been planning my trip to Nambour on it, but I've also used it to check out the options for travelling to Bendigo today to buy my new horse. "The Darwin Awards commemorate the remains of individuals who contribute to the improvement of our gene pool by removing themselves from it in really stupid ways ..."

Some of the ways people have died sound very unbelievable, but apparently the stories are verified.

Any others? is a site which you can get a map of any country in the world ideal for the student.

For the technolgically challenged. has a great glossary of technical terms.

If you are after free or very cheap programs or demos and utilities, this is the place.

For some of the best and funniest animations online.

for all the AFL stats you need including all player stats since 1994. Great site if you haven't already been there.
Does anyone know of a site where you can download pc games from for free??? I wanna Download Cricket 2004 and Soccer 2004 so can anyone help me out? I looked on kazaa and there was nothing.
Wrenny, it's kind of illegal to do that so we can't suggest places for this on this site. Check out some Peer to peer programs like WinMX or Morpheus(free version comes with spyware so beware). WinMX at this stage is spyware free.

As a consolation you can download demos of the latest games from places like or
Here is one good program to use i have had it since September last year
KB29 said:
is it free for only 15 days?
or a full program?

Message me & I will email the full program for free
it cost me nothing
wrennyboy said:
Does anyone know of a site where you can download pc games from for free??? I wanna Download Cricket 2004 and Soccer 2004 so can anyone help me out? I looked on kazaa and there was nothing.

Wrenny, you know its illegal to download 'warez'?

Im pretty sure that you wouldnt be allowed to discuss that sort of stuff on PRE (rosy - clarify (sp?))
What is 'warez'? I appreciate it if people mention when things might be illegal so they aren't discussed any further on the board. I wouldn't have a clue myself and it's great other members care to point things out that could be an issue. :)
For anyone interested in photography try
or the awesome

if your reallyu bored one day try
Rosy, Warez is another name for illegal or pirated software. Also at these 'warez' sites you can get password crackers, virus creators and lots of other nasty stuff.